“BETAGRO” unveils a major business realignment plan through its power change strategy

Agrilife24.com:“BETAGRO” recently laid out our “POWERING CHANGE” strategy to drive business growth which covers five major transformations while addressing challenges and contributing to food security and the economy. POWERING CHANGE will enhance competitiveness in five key areas: Supply chain resilience, Digital transformation, People transformation, New Business, and Sustainability.

The focus will be on research and development to produce a variety of high-quality food innovations, biosecurity in production, and delivering new product alternatives to the market. This will be done concurrently while expanding e-commerce distribution channels and forming collaborations with start-up partners to improve competitiveness and better focus the industry on sustainable development. Our strategic framework cover five areas as follows:

Supply Chain Resilience: Focusing on management across the supply chain to reduce business impacts while creating opportunities and focusing on biosecurity and livestock.

Digital Transformation: Deploying technology to enhance efficiency, powered by faster speeds and improved precision to achieve a full-scale Smart Transformation through six modules: Big Data, Smart CRM, Smart Farm, Smart Factory, Smart Operation and Smart Quality, creating new experiences with customers, partners and improving competitiveness.

People Transformation: Restructuring to become a high performing organization to better develop the digital skills of employees bringing out their full potential.

New Business: Seeking business opportunities to improve or develop new products, as well as harnessing technology and innovation to meet market demand.

Sustainability: Creating shared value with all stakeholders by operating in accordance with ESG guidelines, in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focusing on four key areas: To end hunger and achieve food security; promote good health and the well-being of people; ensure responsible consumption and production patterns; and support partnerships for sustainable development, all of which are directly in line with the Betagro’s business operations.

In addition, Betagro’s focus and efficient operations helped us successfully get through 2021 despite several domestic and external factors impacting the business. The company recorded 85.4 billion baht in revenue from sales of goods and rendering of services, a yearly increase of 6.6%, driven by higher sales in agro business, food and protein business, pet business, as well as international business with operations in Laos and Cambodia.