Artificial Intelligence Applications for Smart Crop Breeding

Category: গবেষণা ফিচার Written by agrilife24

Dr. Md. Monirul Islam: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of science concerned with creating computers and robots capable of reasoning, learning, and acting in ways that would ordinarily need human intelligence or that use data on a scale that people cannot analyze. AI is used in three critical components of phenomics data management: algorithms and programs for converting sensory data into phenotypic information; development of a model for understanding genotype-phenotype relationships with environmental interactions; and database management for sharing information and resources.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in various ways to enhance smart crop breeding practices. Here are some of the ways AI can be applied:
Predictive Modeling: AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data from weather patterns, soil quality, crop yield, and other factors to develop predictive models that can help farmers and breeders optimize crop production.

Image Recognition: AI algorithms can analyze images of plants to detect and identify various characteristics such as leaf size, shape, color, and texture. This data can then be used to identify which plants have desirable traits for breeding.

Genomics and DNA Analysis: AI can analyze large amounts of genomic data to identify patterns and relationships between genes and traits. This can help breeders develop more effective breeding strategies.

Precision Farming: AI can help optimize irrigation, fertilizer application, and pest control by analyzing data from sensors and cameras in the field. This can help farmers reduce waste and increase efficiency.

Virtual Plant Breeding: AI can be used to simulate plant growth and development to predict how different genetic combinations will affect plant performance. This can help breeders identify the most promising genetic combinations before conducting costly and time-consuming field trials. Overall, the use of AI in crop breeding can help farmers and breeders develop more resilient and productive crops while reducing waste and environmental impact.

Writer: Senior Scientist, ASRBC, ACI Seed